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janet jones (Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Monday, June 12, 2006 - 06:39 pm:   

we have a three year old pygmy goat, just started a new problem two days ago, her right side of her jaw will swell up like a pecan, we check her throughout the day, when we see it we bring her in, we give her a snack or some grain and then it goes away, during the night we check her nothing, then we let her out and check her a couple of hours later swollen, we bring her in she eats and then the same thing, thought it might be a tooth, but she eats fine, looks fine acts fine no bite marks, her jaw will swell then when she eats gone. we do have 26 other goats but we have kept a close eye on her and she has not been hit by another goat, she has always been frail, but healthy, tried too call the vet out of town.

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