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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 1199
Registered: 07-2005
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Posted on Monday, September 04, 2006 - 07:27 pm:   

I do not recommend using the CL vaccine, it often causes more problems than it prevents. It should ONLY be used in herds that are DEFINITELY battling CL. It very often causes huge abscesses (fist sized and larger) at the site of the injection and even the company that make it does not recommend giving it to goats. It is a SHEEP vaccine. it often causes the blood test to come back false positive if someone does test the goat...

All abscesses will eventually break open and drain given the chance, most abscesses are not CL. Was this one liquidy? CL is usually very thick pasty like soft cheese (that's what caseous means, cheesy). Did it smell? Caseous has no odor. CL abscesses are associated with a lymph gland, on or around the head they occur at the base of the ear, between the jawbones at the throatlatch.

The most reliable test for CL is to culture the pus. Blood testing can be done, but false negatives and false positives are common. Does your doe stick her head through a hay feeder or fence? She likely stratched herself on the cheek and throat and got an infection. Mine did this until I figured out why they kept getting abscesses that ALWAYS tested as staph....

Most vaccines are not a 100 percent preventative. The CD vaccine is only about 50 to maybe 80 percent effective and only then after the second booster and only effective for about 4 to 6 months. So for kids or unvaccinated goats it should be given 3 times, at 10 weeks (no sooner, doesn't do any good until a kid has an acitve functioning immun system which doesn't develop until they are 10 to 12 weeks old), 21 days later and then once more 21-45 days after that then every 4 to 6 months and 4 to 6 weeks before kidding for maximum protection. Better than nothing but not the miracle the drug companies would have you think they are. The T part of the CDT is very effective however.

As for blood testing I do lots more than most, but I don't test for CL as the test is not reliable. This on the recommendation of my vet, who is one of the clinicians at our state Veterinary College. I test yearly for CAE and Johnes disease, I run several mineral levels (copper, selenium, zinc) on a representative population and I test for Brucellosis and TB These 2 diseases are virtually unheard of in goats) so that I can easily ship my goats nationwide. Even some of these tests are not the last word. The CAE test is pretty accurate, the Johnes test is somewhat iffy unless you have 5 years of negative testing in a closed herd (I do, I have over 10 years of testing). Blood copper levels may or may not indicate the true level of copper in the body but if it is done on a representative population of the herd (or the whole herd...) you can get a good idea of what is going on in the herd. You can add the CL test to help ease your mind I know lots of people do test just to say they do and after several years of all negative tests they certainly have the ability to say they have a negative herd. But if you get a positive, retest before panicing.

Okay off my soapbox for now.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Jean Pass
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Username: boergoatsrus

Post Number: 8
Registered: 12-2005
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Posted on Monday, September 04, 2006 - 04:53 pm:   

I recently had a doeling with a small lump on her jaw, but vet said that it was not CL. So we delt with that. The mother of this doeling came down with 2 large knots, 1 on her jaw and one on her throat about 4 inches below the other. The one on the jaw went away while treating w/antibiotics, one on the throat burst open. (She and doeling had been seperated from others) So I immediately thought of CL...I reccomended to my vet that she be told me that she needed to test the puss that came out, but since I had put medication on it the results would not come back correct. After further research on CL..I found that you can do blood work to find this out. Is this true? I also asked my vet if I should just implement the CL vaccine into my program and she said no, not to do that since I dont know which if any goats have this..but my point to add this to my vacc. program is like vaccinating dogs for rabies...your doing this vacc. as a preventative measure!! And she didn't like that. What would you say to this idea of mine? And is that all vacciantions besides CD&T that I should be/could be vacc. for? I am wanting to prevent things before they occur. And what other blood tests should I have done for my boer goats besides CL? Any info would be appericated!! THANK YOU!!

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