"Join the GoatWorld 911 Emergency Evacuation Network"
If you receive an ERROR when trying to SUBMIT (I Agree) this form, the most probable reason is that your browser and/or email program is not capable of "forms." In this case, please send us an email with ALL the form fields completed that we have listed here. It is important that you include information for each question asked on this form. Please also be sure that you read, understand and agree to the Legal Disclaimer regarding advice, services or opinions offered by any GoatWorld 911 Contact person.
Please indicate: This is a new listing Updating an existing listing Delete my Listing
Please list the types of animals you are equipped to handle and shelter:
Goats Cattle Horses Exotics Poultry Dogs Cats Any Or All Of These
Please select the appropriate number of animals you are equipped to handle:
(Bearing in mind that 1 horse equals more than 1 goat per space requirement, please calculate for Goats instead of larger animals)
Please check one of the following choices:
    I Can Possibly Assist With Transportation
    I Cannot Assist With Transportation
    I May Know Of Someone To Provide Transportation
Regarding the amount of time you can provide shelter for evacuated animals:
    Short Term
    Long Term
Your Name:
If country not on list:
We must stress the importance of listing your telephone number as this is an Emergency List. By not listing your phone number, you are only adding to the critical timeliness of a situation. For this reason, our policy is now to only accept contacts that provide a phone number.

Phone Calls Accepted (times of day/night):

Do you want your e-mail address to appear with your listing?
Yes - Show my E-mail Address
No - Do not show my E-mail Address

Add me to the GoatWorld Forum GWEEN TOPIC (Please check if "Yes")

Why do you want to be listed on the Emergency Contact List?
How did you hear about GoatWorld.com?
Before continuing, please read and agree to the following statement:

"The information I have provided is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. By submitting my application for inclusion to this list, I understand that I am voluntarily giving GOATWORLD.COM permission to publicly post my personal contact information and to include my telephone number and/or email address.

I further understand that by volunteering to be an Emergency Contact for GOATWORLD.COM that I am in no way offering my services with any expectation for financial compensation from either GOATWORLD.COM or the person contacting me for help. I also understand that neither the person contacting me for help nor GOATWORLD.COM will in any way hold me liable for the results of the advice or assistance I offer.

By submitting this form, I acknowledge that I have read, understood, and am in total agreement with the provisions set forth in the GoatWorld 911 Legal Disclaimer Notice.

Agricultural Research Service

Email: Contact INFO
Telephone: Contact INFO
Designed & Hosted by: JOLLY GERMAN
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©Gary Pfalzbot, Colorado, USA
This site is run and operated by a Disabled Veteran