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Lacerated Teat - how do I wrap it?!!!

Posted by Nat on April 28, 2001 at 19:21:49:

Ok, I've got a new question for everyone so put on your thinking caps:

This evening, my skitish doe decided that it would be fun climbing in the hay manger and in the process - getting her teat caught on wire and pulling away, skinning her teat. It's not a very deep wound - very topical, basically peeled the outer skin off a good 1/2 of her teat. Gross looking, but I don't think there's a puncture.... (find out tommorow morning). I iodined it, and then strategically vet-wrapped it.. OK, TRIED to get wrap it. This is one of those top 10 most difficut things to vet wrap.

Any ideas on how to keep a wrap on? This evening I did a variation of gauze on wound, and then vet wrapped around the teat, over the back, around the belly.. ect.. 2 rolls later it should be there tommorow? Does anyone have a better method to keep a bandage on a wound of this nature? It just has to keep her together for 2 days before she gets shipped. I think a people - large area bandage may work better (like those knee ones) Just no drug stores are open at 10PM here, and medical tape wasn't sticking due to iodine dripping as I cleaned it soon after.

Sigh... I was going to ship this doe soon. Its just too bad she had to do this. and ALWAYS when you are not prepaired...

Anyway, Thanks in advnace, for the advice!!
-Nat's Little Bit Farm


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