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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 906
Registered: 07-2005
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Posted on Tuesday, May 30, 2006 - 12:39 pm:   

I recommend using Ivomec injectable for Cattle at 1 cc per 25 pounds given orally (give at least 1 cc). Many dewormers no longer work well, such as Safeguard or Panacur. If you used on of those or underdosed the Ivomec you can redo the deworming now. It can take several weeks for a kid to get over a heavy worm load. The Nutridrench should help with that as it has iron. Keep giving the probiotic too.

It seems if you can get these poor doers to about 4 months old when they develop a good immune system and really start ruminating well they catch up by the time they are a year or so old.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Jolie (Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Monday, May 29, 2006 - 06:46 am:   

She has just started to play in the last few days, but still lays down alot. I do have a loose goat mineral that I got from Fleet Farm, just for goats not sheep too. It was suggested by someone that I know that she may have been oxygen deprived at birth, I got her as a give away with some other goats. I just wormed her 2 days ago but will try it again, How soon should I do this? Will also try the sulfa. Thanks again.
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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 896
Registered: 07-2005
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Posted on Sunday, May 28, 2006 - 09:14 pm:   

Is is possible she didn't get quite enough colostrum? Sometimes these goat struggle along until they get to an age where they develop an active immune system and a functioning rumen. Then they start to catch up. Does she play at all? Or stand hunched up a bit or lay down most of the time? A chronic case of joint ill can make a kid just do poorly.

I would continue giving B Complex at least 3 to 4 times a week, and the the probiotics. Give a daily dose of Goat Nutridrench for added vitamins and minerals. Check her lower inner eyelids for color, they should be deep rosy or salmon pink. If they are pale you may need to deworm again or dewrm using somethig different. She can also get coccidia and not show the usual diarrhea. You may want put her on a 5 day course of a sulfa drug (do be SURE to give a probiotic with this). The sores on her ears may be mites, or more likely dermatophilus, a bacterial infection that zinc deficient goats seem prone to. Can she get to a good loose mineral mix?
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Jolie (Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Sunday, May 28, 2006 - 09:03 pm:   

Thanks Maggie I'll let him know. One more ? I have a little doeling here that just seems to be struggling to live. She was born very small and just isn't thriving. She eats well and is starting to be more active but she doesn't seem to be gaining any weight, she also has some weird circular sores on her ears that I first thought was soremouth. She also has pinkeye that I am treating. I have tried probiotics, vit. B, and Dwormed to try to get her on the right track, but she just stays the same. She did have pneumonia a few weeks ago and is over it now. She is about 6 wks old now. Do you have any suggestions to help her come around or is she just one of those goats that just wasn't ment to make it. I'm not giving up on her yet, as long as she keeps tring so will I. Thanks in advance.
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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 894
Registered: 07-2005
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Posted on Sunday, May 28, 2006 - 08:24 pm:   

Yes oxytet is effective for many goat hoof and foot infections I think you are seeing a form of hoof rot in these goats. I give 1 cc oxytet (LA 200) by SQ injection per 30 pounds every other day for at least 3 treatments. Trim all of the pockets out of the hooves and use kopertox or a strong bleach solution to disinfect. You can use a few drops of oxytet directly on the sores on the feet too. Try to move them to a clean very dry place. The infection lingers is wet ground.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Jolie (Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Friday, May 26, 2006 - 06:44 am:   

I have a neighbor that has a few goats and in the past few weeks he has noticed that they are starting to go lame. I looked at the feet and he does have some hoof rot but some of them also have what looks like it might be hairy heal warts, I have seen this in cattle but not sure if this is something that goats get. It looks like they have rope burn on the back of the heal. Does anyone know how to treat this? Would you treat it the same as cattle with oxytet.?

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