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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 1414
Registered: 07-2005
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Posted on Wednesday, November 08, 2006 - 01:19 pm:   

It looks like the goat mineral is really all you need. To change a percentage into ppm move the decimal 4 places to the right. Kelp is mostly used to raise sulfur and iodine, but it also contains a good bit of iron and calcium. On further research too much sulfur can block copper. The mineral has plenty of sulfur. No need to pay for something you don't need, right?

How big is the pen/area the goats are in? How big is the barn? In general goats need about 25 square feet per goat in the barn. Pasture density varies, but about 10 goats per acre is often recommended. Overcrowding, even slight over crowding can be stressful. It is more evident in the winter when goats spend more time under shelter. Are the sick ones older, younger the low goats in the pecking order?
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Karey Vandermaarel
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Username: karey

Post Number: 32
Registered: 06-2006
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Posted on Wednesday, November 08, 2006 - 09:59 am:   

Okay, I have contacted Custom Milling and it is going to cost me a fortune to get the Golden Blend to my uncles in MI...then I have to get it acrossed the boarder.

The Bio-Ag Dairy Goat Premix that I am feeding currently contains the following:

Bio-Ag..................Golden Blend
Calcium 13.6%.............13% - 15.6%
Phosphorus 13.3%...............7.00%
Magnesium 3.00%...............1.00%
Sulphur 1.50%................1.20%
Potasium 1.80%................0.90%
Iron 575 mg/kg.............1.00%
Zinc 3663 mg/kg............4000 ppm
Copper 506 mg/kg...............1500 ppm
Mangabese 1342 mg/kg.............3000 ppm
Cobalt 60 mg/kg................60 ppm
Iodine 30 mg/kg................70 ppm
viatmin A 328,000 IU/kg...220,000 USP Units/lb
Vitamin D 109,000 IU/kg.....45,000 USP Units/lb
Vitamin E 1291 IU/kg.........220 Int Units/lb

First, I don't know how to compare the 2 equally with the ppm, IU/kg, mg/kg etc. Any suggestions??

The Kelp Bag conatins:

Crude Fibre Max 8.00%
Potassium (K) Min 2.00%
Salt Max 6.00%
Iodine Max 0.08%
Sulphate Max 7.00%

Nothing about Calcium or Iron (I think those are the 2 you said counteract the Copper)

Thanks again,

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Karey Vandermaarel
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Username: karey

Post Number: 31
Registered: 06-2006
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Posted on Wednesday, November 08, 2006 - 08:54 am:   

Here is the link to Omega Alpha for the Lung Flush. They have many different products.

I am going to try to find a distributor for the Golden Blend here in Canada. I will have to call the manufacturer. Hopefully I can find it. I was so convinced by Bio-Ag here in Ontario that the organic goat mineral and kelp was the right mix. I hope I haven't been harming them in my search to keep them as happy and healthy as possible.

Thanks for the advice.
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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 1406
Registered: 07-2005
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Posted on Tuesday, November 07, 2006 - 01:32 pm:   

The actual cost of Golden Blend minerals from the company that makes it (Custom Milling at is 12.95 for 25 pounds (plus shipping). So you are paying shipping, its just included in the price. Anyway it should have plenty of copper at 1500 ppm (0.15% = 1500 ppm). The instructions also say to remove any other source of minerals and this would include kelp. The minerals in Golden Blend are balanced for proper absorption. I have used it in the past and been very pleased, I just happend to find one very similar offered by my feed company.

Your goats may be reacting to the change in weather, even an allergy. If things are a bit crowded this can lead to stress and you'll see some snotty noses every now and then. I don't get too excited about it if the goat is otherwise fine and has no temp. I may have to get some of that lung flush, it sounds helpful. I have used Vet Rx, a eucalyptus/mentholated nose and ear drop and it is wonderful too. Most herbal immune boosters are fine for goats and they certainly won't hurt.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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(Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Tuesday, November 07, 2006 - 01:09 pm:   

I buy the golden blend minerals from Hoegger Supply and they actually don't charge shipping. It suprised me especially because it weighs 25 lbs!
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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 1403
Registered: 07-2005
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Posted on Tuesday, November 07, 2006 - 12:38 pm:   

Kelp is high in iron and calcium both of which block copper. I use a beef cattle mineral for my goats. The only goat minerals I could find that had enough copper cost twice as much to ship in as the cost of the mineral. Kelp is also very high in iodine and can cause problems there too.

Their immune systems are already in ultra high gear if they have a discharge and a cough.

Goats don't choke on their cud.

Sounds like the lung flush is helping.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Karey Vandermaarel
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Username: karey

Post Number: 30
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Posted on Tuesday, November 07, 2006 - 07:00 am:   

Thanks Maggie,

I checked 2 temps of the worst ones and they were normal. I actaully gave them a small amount of the expectorant that I have for my horse (it's omega alpha called lung flush) and that actaully seemed to help. My young Nubian didn't have that plugged wheezy sound anymore. Yestuday (and for the last couple of weeks) she looked and sounded like her nose was almost plugged. She could still breath but it seemed like her nose was pinched off. This morning (after the lung flush last night) her nose was opened up a bit. I gave it to another couple of kids this morning.

I don't milk my goats, I have enough work just keeping them healthy. They get free choice kelp and organic goat mineral...however, I don't think the Copper is as high as you mentioned. Can I supplement anything else with more copper. Will the kelp help?


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Karey Vandermaarel
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Username: karey

Post Number: 29
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Posted on Tuesday, November 07, 2006 - 06:58 am:   

Thanks Maggie,

I checked 2 temps of the worst ones and they were normal. I actaully gave them a small amount of the expectorant that I have for my horse (it's omega alpha called lung flush) and that actaully seemed to help. My young Nubian didn't have that plugged wheezy sound anymore. Yestuday (and for the last couple of weeks) she looked and sounded like her nose was almost plugged. She could still breath but it seemed like her nose was pinched off. This morning (after the lung flush last night) her nose was opened up a bit. I gave it to another couple of kids this morning.

I don't milk my goats, I have enough work just keeping them healthy. They get free choice kelp and organic goat mineral...however, I don't think the Copper is as high as you mentioned. Can I supplement anything else with more copper. Will the kelp help?


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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 1399
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Posted on Monday, November 06, 2006 - 03:09 pm:   

Take the temps and if it is elevated start them on an antibiotic like penicillin at 1 cc per 15 pounds by SQ injection twice a day for 5 to 7 days.

I found that the immunes systems benefitted most from adequate mineral supplementation. A loose mineral with enough copper (900 to 1800 ppm) was the most beneficial. You would have to put ALOT of Vitamin C in the water to do much good, and if you are milking you don't want to feed garlic.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Karey Vandermaarel
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Username: karey

Post Number: 28
Registered: 06-2006
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Posted on Monday, November 06, 2006 - 11:13 am:   

Hi Maggie,

I have a herd of 18 goats now (working on getting down in numbers though). I have a few goats with mild snotty noses. Two of them have yellowish discharge. No-one is really coughing alot, just here and there, I used to just assume due to bringing up their cud and choking on it. I have seen some clear discharge from a few goats since summer. Now, I have the 2 with the thicker yellowish discharge. Is there something I can safely give the whole herd? Like Vit C in water, garlic for immune? Should I be treating the 2 worst ones? I haven't take a temp yet but I will this afternoon. They all seem perfectly fine otherwise. I have one Nubian that is due this month to kid, the rest are all over 3 month to 2 years.

Thanks Maggie,


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