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By: Sandra Mauerhan, Chevon Director KGBA 06/21/00
Web Site:Kinder Chevon Project
About the Author

Rated 3.9 by 53 responses.

Brief History of the Breed
   Created out of a "crisis," but developed because of potential. Following the sudden death of their Nubian buck Art & Pat Showalter of Zederkamm Farm found themselves facing a challenge to continue their milk supply. Available to them were their two Nubian does and a Pygmy buck. Since they were interested simply in freshening for milk supply this seemed like an easy solution. What they never expected was the development of a practical dual-purpose goat. The first Kinder were born in the summer of 1986 on the Zederkamm Farm. The Kinder Goat Breeder’s Association was formed in 1988 and Kinders were introduced nationally in 1989. In 1997, WMM’S Cobby Hobby Montana, a First Generation Kinder buck became the first Permanent Grand Champion Buck. Today there are breeders throughout the United States, in Canada and Brazil.

Breed Character
   Standing between 20" - 26" for does and 20" - 28" for bucks at the withers Kinders are a mid-sized goat that is well proportioned in body length and legs. Its’ compact physique conforms to dairy characteristics despite its’ somewhat heavy bone and lean, yet well muscled structure. On average a mature doe weighs 115 pounds and a mature buck 135 pounds. The Kinder goat is a prolific, productive, alert, animated, good-natured and gregarious breed.

Aseasonal Breeding
   Like the Pygmy goat, Kinders are aseasonal breeders. Preliminary research indicates a correlation between the month of breeding and the number of kids. While breeding in August through December does appear to produce an increase in the number of multiple births, triplets through sextuplets. Breeding from January through July still results in a twin average. Therefore, the Kinder can be utilized to freshen for dairy production year around or focused for meat production. Artificial insemination may be utilized in the development of a Kinder herd. Several National Pygmy Goat Associations breeders have straws for sale and Kinder straws are available from KGBA breeders as well.

The Dairy Purpose
   Kinder fulfill the same requirements as those set by the ADGA for standard dairy goats. Good production for a yearling first freshner is four to five pounds per day. This can increase to six to eight pounds (or more) by the third freshening. Butterfat average runs 5.5 to 6.5 percent and has been recorded over eight percent. Protein average is four and a half percent. In 1998 Bramble Patch Kinder Ruppel earned her Star by milking ten pounds of milk with a 4.1 percent butterfat and a score of 18.8. A partial list of Star Milkers and DHIA results can be found online at /kgbassn/stars.htm. Like the Nubian, Kinder have stronger udder attachments than many other dairy and meat breeds, and extended lactations.

The Chevon Purpose
   Average birth weight is four to five pounds in a triplet or greater birth. Data on a single herd presented at the 1997 Virginia State University Goat Expo indicated that the number of kids in a birth is significantly affected by the age of the doe. The yearling average of twins was increased to a quadruplet average at age four. Other breeders have experienced a higher average; additional studies are continuing. Average growth rate is seven to nine pounds a month through the first eight months of life. Typical production of a six-month-old wether can develop a kid of 50 pounds on the hoof and a dressed chevon yield of 30 pounds (60%). A fourteen-month-old wether can develop to 80 pounds on the hoof and a dressed chevon yield of 50 pounds (63%). Like the Pygmy goat, Kinder are able to digest and convert food into lean meat. Their heavier muscling translates into the higher yields that are shown above.

Herd Management
   To date, Kinders have been managed in a pasture with supplemental feeding, routine deworming and vaccination. With the assistance of Texas A&M University an open range program is being evaluated. With the ease at which a Kinder doe delivers and cares for multiple births, the excellent feed conversion ratio and the hardiness of the breed very positive results are expected.

General Information
   The Nubian/Pygmy cross produces the First Generation Kinder. After that first cross, Kinder is bred to Kinder to produce succeeding generations. The KGBA maintains a two level registry. Generations one to four receive a Certificate of Merit. The Fifth Generation and above receive a Certificate of Registry. The Nubian, usually the doe, must be registered with the American Dairy Goat Association, the American Goat Society or the Canadian Goat Society as a purebred or 100% American Nubian. The Pygmy, usually the buck, must be registered with the National Pygmy Goat Association, the American Goat Society or the Canadian Goat Society.

To Learn More
   Contact the Kinder Goat Breeder’s Association, PO Box 1575, Snohomish, WA 98291-1575 or online at http://members There is an email based forum for information exchange among breeders and owners. To visit or join the group the online address is To participate in the Kinder Chevon Project contact Sandra and Charles Mauerhan, PO Box 252, Barksdale, TX 78828 or online at http://The

About the author: Sandra Mauerhan, Chevon Director KGBA

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