"Goats By Breed - Osmanabadi"

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  • Distribution: Latur. Tuljapur and Udgir taluks of Osmanabad district of Maharashtra.

  • Numbers: The total goat population in the Osmanabadi distribution area. accoriding to the 1972 census, was 0.219 m. of which 0.020 m adult males and 0.119 m adult females.

  • Climate:

    Average monthly temperature (ºC)




    19.5 13.65-24


    32.95 29.45
    Average monthly relative humidity (%)


    59 35-80.5


    38.5 18-62.5
    Annual rainfall (cm) 71.0

  • Breed Characteristics:

    Adult males

    Adult females

    Body weight 33.6 32.36
    Body length 69.12 67.51
    Height at withers  77.87 74.79
    Chest girth 72.06 72.04

  • Conformation: Tall animals. of animals surveyed. 73% were black and the rest were white, brown or spotted. Ears are medium long; ear length: 18.0 +- 0.10 cm . Most males (89.5%) are horned; females may be horned or polled, in almost equal proportions. Tail is medium long and thin; tail length: 16.6 +- 0.10 cm (210). The udder is small and round with small teats placed laterally.

  • Flock structure: The average flock contains 10.73 individuals (range: 1 to 65). of which 0.28 adult males; 6.56 adult females and 3.89 young.

  • Reproduction:



    Age at first kidding  
    Kidding interval  
    Service period  
    Kidding percentage (%) 129.9
    Litter size: (%)  
    Singles 70.5
    Twins 29.0
    Triplets 0.5

  • Mortality %:

    Pre-weaning 18
    Adults 7.1

  • Breeding: Pure breeding. There is little selection.

  • Performance:


    Lactation yield (Kg)/day 0.5-1.5
    Lactation length (months) 3-5

    Meat (kg.)

    At birth 2.39
    At weaning 7.34
    6 months 11.07
    9 months 15.12
    12 months  

    Hair  (g per year)


    All information and photographs contained here are posted in conjunction and cooperation with Goats in India. For additional information, please visit the Goats in India web site or email Capra@iespana.es.

    Sangvi takes goat issue by the horns

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