Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum)

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This page contains information regarding a plant "known to be poisonous" to goats as well as other animals. This information was researched from various resources. Please note, that the author is not a botanist or specialist regarding plants. This information is posted for your reference and comparison purposes only.

Star of Bethlehem - Click for a full size image Star of Bethlehem - Click for a full size image

Snowdrop, Nap-At-Noon
(lily family)

This perennial, a close relative of wild garlic (but without the smell), reproduces mostly by clumps of bulbs. The central flower stem grows 4 to 12 inches long. The leaves are about as long as the stem and have a light green midrib. Star-shaped flowers, six white petals with green stripes on the back, appear in spring. Usually the tops die back after flowering and before the fruit, a capsule, can be produced. Originally introduced as a garden plant, Star-of-Bethlehem has now gone wild along roadsides, in fields, and in woods, especially in the southern and western parts of the Midwest.

All parts, especially bulbs.

Star-of-Bethlehem contains cardiac glycosides in all parts of the plant, with the bulbs containing a higher percentage of the toxin. This is not a commonly reported toxicosis, but it can be severe if encountered and if enough of the bulbs have been consumed. The bulbs may become more readily accessible after plowing, frost heaving or other such activity, thus increasing the risk of toxicosis. The toxic component (and therefore the toxic signs) are very similar to foxglove (Digitalis). The first signs are stomach and intestinal irritation, which is followed by abnormalities in the heart's rate and rhythm, and this can progress to fatal cardiac arrythmias.

Moderate to low. While very toxic, exposure is not commonly reported.

Cattle, sheep, horses, and potentially any grazing animal.

Stomach and intestinal irritation, abdominal pain, irregular heart rate, death (rarely).

If animals are observed eating Star-of-Bethlehem, contact a veterinarian immediately, since evacuation of the gastrointestinal tract may be attempted to remove the toxin. Beyond this, therapy is symptomatic and supportive, often necessitating a veterinarian's care.

The toxin remains after the plant has dried. Since the toxin is powerful, there is no level that can be considered safe when feeding processed feeds containing Star-of-Bethlehem.

Do not let animals graze Star-of-Bethlehem, and avoid incorporating this plant into hay and other feeds. It would be advisable to eliminate the plant from pastures, especially if they grow in any significant numbers.

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